Humminbird Fish Finder Comparison Chart

Humminbird Fish Finder Comparison Chart

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If you find the HUGE selection of Humminbird’s fish finder offerings confusion, not to worry! We’ve put together a nice table for you that sorts out each Humminbird fish finder by the features that are most important when choosing a fish finder:

Model Wattage Frequency Screen Size GPS Mapping Price
SmartCast RF15 Wireless N/A N/A 4 inch B/W N/A N/A 149.99
PiranhaMax 176i 200W 200/455 kHz 4 inch B/W Yes N/A 134.99
PiranhaMax 176i Portable 200W 200/455 kHz 4 inch B/W Yes N/A 169.99
PiranhaMax 195c 200W 200/455 kHz 3.5 inch Color N/A N/A 169.99
PiranhaMax 196ci 200W 200/455 kHz 3.5 inch Color Yes N/A 199.99
PiranhaMax 196ci Portable 200W 200/455 kHz 3.5 inch Color Yes N/A 239.99
SmartCast RF35 Wrist Mounted N/A 125 kHz 1.25 inch B/W N/A N/A 79.99
PiranhaMax 230 Portable 100W 83/200 + Wireless 4 inch N/A N/A 199.99
345c DI 500W 83/200, 455/800 kHz 3.5 inch Color N/A N/A 379.99
346c DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 3.5 inch N/A N/A 249.99
386ci 500W 83/200 kHz 3.5 inch Yes UniMap 299.99
386ci DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 3.5 inch Yes UniMap 399.99
561 300W 83/200 kHz 5 inch B/W N/A N/A 149.99
561 DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 5 inch B/W N/A N/A 199.99
571 HD DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 5 inch B/W N/A N/A 249.99
571 HD DI Portable 500W 200/455/800 kHz 5 inch B/W N/A N/A 299.99
581i HD DI 300W 200/455/800 kHz 5 inch B/W Yes UniMap 299.99
587ci HD 300W 200/455/800 kHz 4.5 inch Color Yes UniMap 449.99
597ci HD 500W 83/200 kHz 5 inch Color Yes UniMap 499.99
597ci HD DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 5 inch Color Yes UniMap 599.99
598ci HD SI 500W 83/200/455 kHz 5 inch Color Yes UniMap 799.99
788ci HD DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 5 inch Color Yes Contour XD 799.99
858c HD DI 500W 200/455/800 kHz 7 inch Color Yes Contour XD 1199.99
898c HD SI 1000W 83/200, 455/800 kHz 7 inch Color Yes Contour XD 1499.99
998c HD SI 1000W 83/200, 455/800 kHz 8 inch Color Yes Contour XD 1999.99
1158c HD 1000W 83/200 kHz 10 inch Color Yes Contour XD 1999.99
1158c HD DI 500W 83/455/800 kHz 10 inch Color Yes Contour XD 1999.99
Fishin’ Buddy 120 N/A 200/455 kHz 4 inch B/W N/A N/A 169.99
Shane Baker

Shane Baker

My name is Shane Baker and when I am not with my family or working here I am out fishing! I caught my first fish when I was 6 – it was a trout at a stocked pond here in TX. Ever since fishing has been a passion of mine!

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