The 6 Fishing Blogs To Follow in 2025

6 Fishing Blogs To Follow

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Fishing is awesome.

“Fishing is fantastic!” say it again, together: “Fishing is fantastic!”

There are a lot of great people out there doing amazing things, and since fishing is so wonderful, you’re likely to come across a slew of fantastic individuals. And out of all the amazing people, some will be amazing enough to share their adventures with the rest of the world.

To commemorate all of this awesomeness, we’re going to do exactly what our name implies and look for the outstanding people out there who are excited about what they do.

This is only one of many articles, so please let us know if anyone you know deserves a mention in the comments and we will make sure to include them!

(This list is not in any particular order.)

John “Toast” Oast,


Over at, John runs a kayak fishing website, and he has one of the most complete video libraries on kayak fishing that I’ve ever seen. They go over everything from using a pool noodle as a scupper hole plug to employing kayak fishing meat thermometers. He also frequently talks about kayak fishing and photographs his catches for Fishing Reports with Pictures.

Michael Agneta, Troutrageous!


Troutrageous is the brainchild of a guy named Michael, who just can’t get enough of water. He has a fantastic sense of humor and provides every single one of his articles with both entertainment and information. Troutrageous will appeal to any kind of fishing you love, whether it’s fly fishing or bait casting.

Steve Zakur, Sipping Emergers

Sipping Emergers

Sipping Emergers was founded as a means to publish fishing tales. Since then, it’s evolved into much more. He still does fishing reports, but they’re now joined with product evaluations and general fly fishing news. He also has some thought-provoking essays and articles on a variety of themes.

Rebecca Garlock, Outdooress

I really like the name of Rebecca’s blog, “The Outdoress!” as someone who grew up fishing (and was initiated into fishing at a very early age), her fly-fishing tales never fail to amaze. She basically sums up what fly fishing is all about: fun, humor, discovery, and so much more!

Tom Chandler, Trout Underground

trout underground

“I’m not saying that fly fishing is the same as traditional fishing; I’m just stating that most people would rather catch a few interesting fish than a half-dozen regular ones.” Advertisements for fly rods frequently feature images of trout swimming in murky water, suggesting that there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing them thrashing about on the bottom as you reel them in. When it comes to promoting certain types of equipment, this typecasting works against us because many people confuse “fish” with “fishing rod” and feel it is appropriate to buy both at once. -> “I’m not implying that fly fishing is the same as traditional fishing; I’m simply stating that most individuals would prefer catching a few

“You see, fly fishing is supposed to be enjoyable. It isn’t always graceful, rarely simple, and almost never mindlessly easy, but it is intended to be so”

Kirk Werner, Unaccomplished Angler

Unaccomplished Angler

You just have to like the sense of humor you acquire after beginning fishing. Of course, there are stories about how “it truly was that big!” so I guess it’s a way to join the club! Kirk loves to fly fish, and he recently published several excellent children’s fly fishing books. He writes about everything: those days when you want to break your fly fishing rod and hang up your boots, as well as those days when you’re just not able to stop gabbing about the “big one.”

Shane Baker

Shane Baker

My name is Shane Baker and when I am not with my family or working here I am out fishing! I caught my first fish when I was 6 – it was a trout at a stocked pond here in TX. Ever since fishing has been a passion of mine!

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